Any changes to bylaws require 7 out of 10 votes
Section I: General League Rules & Regulations
A. There is no maximum to the number of transactions per season or week
B. Trades are processed when both parties accept with no commissioner review unless there is reasonable suspicion
C. The trade deadline shall be at 12:00am on the Thursday prior to Week 11
D. Waivers will clear on Wednesday mornings
E. Waiver order will reset each week based on inverse order of standings
—a. Upon the conclusion of the regular season, the waiver order for playoff teams will be prioritized from highest seed to lowest
—b. Upon the conclusion of the first round of the playoffs, the waiver order will be as follows: Higher seed in championship, lower seed in championship, higher seed in consolation, and lower seed in consolation
F. Individual players, including bench players, will lock in their positions at the start of their individual games
—a. In the event of a delayed game due to weather, COVID, or other circumstances, players will not lock in their positions until the start of the game
G. Bye week players cannot be added or dropped after 12:00pm CST on Sundays
H. Division realignment will take place at the end of every 5th season
Section II: Scoring
A. Offense
—a. Passing yards: 1 point per 25 yards
—b. Passing touchdown: 4 points
—c. Passing 2-point conversion: 1 point
—d. Interception thrown: -2 points
—e. Rushing yards: 1 point per 10 yards
—f. Rushing touchdown: 6 points
—g. Rushing 2-point conversion: 2 points
—h. Receiving yards: 1 point per 10 yards
—i. Receiving touchdown: 6 points
—j. Receiving 2-point conversion: 2 points
—k. Fumble recovered for touchdown: 6 points
—l. Fumble lost: -2 points
B. Kicking
—a. PAT: 1 point
—b. PAT miss: -1 point
—c. Field Goal 0-49 yards: 3 points
—d. Field Goal 50-59 yards: 4 points
—e. Field Goal 60+ yards: 5 points
—f. Field Goal missed: -1 point
C. Defense/Special Teams
—a. Sack: 1 point
—b. Interception: 2 points
—c. Fumble recovery: 2 points
—d. Safety: 4 points
—e. Touchdowns: 6 points
—f. Fumble lost: -2 points
—g. 0 points allowed: 10 points
—h. 1-6 points allowed: 8 points
—i. 7-13 points allowed: 6 points
—j. 14-20 points allowed: 4 points
—k. 21-27 points allowed: 2 points
—l. 28-34 points allowed: 0 points
—m. 35+ points allowed: -2 points
—n. If a team scores a TD in a special teams formation, which is defined by having a kicker lined up in field goal formation or a punter lined up in punt formation to qualify, then 6 points for a touchdown shall be credited to that team’s D/ST and not the individual.
Section III: Tie-breaking procedures & seeding
A. Playoff ties will be broken by converting to decimal scoring. If the teams are still tied, the higher seed will win.
B. The four postseason participants are seeded as follows:
—1. The division champion with the best record
—2. The other division champion
—3. The wild card team with the best record
—4. The wild card team with the second best record
C. Tie games count as one-half win and one-half loss for both clubs
D. The following procedures will be used to break standings ties for postseason playoffs
—a. If, at the end of the regular season, two ore more clubs in the same division finish with identical won-lost-tied percentages, the following steps will be taken until a champion is determined
— —i. Two clubs
— — —1. Head-to-head
— — —2. Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the division
— — —3. Strength of victory (determined by totaling the number of wins by defeated opponents)
— — —4. Total points scored
— — —5. Coin toss
— —ii. Three or more clubs (When two clubs remain tied after third or other clubs are eliminated during any step, the tie-breaker reverts to the first step of the two-club format) [Sec. IIID.a.i.]
— — —1. Head-to-head (Best won-lost-tied percentage in games among the tied clubs)
— — —2. Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the division
— — —3. Strength of victory (determined by totaling the number of wins by defeated opponents)
— — —4. Total points scored
— — —5. Pick a number 1-10 (must be guessed exactly, club with lowest draft pick from previous draft selects the first integer, each trial rotates to the next lowest draft pick)
—b. If it is necessary to break ties to determine the two Wild Card clubs, the following steps will be taken: (if the tied clubs are from the same division, the division tie-breaker in Sec. IIID.a. will be applied)
— —i. Two clubs
— — —1. Head-to-head
— — —2. Strength of victory (determined by totaling the number of wins by defeated opponents)
— — —3. Total points scored
— — —4. Coin toss
— —ii. Three or more clubs (When two clubs remain tied after third or other clubs are eliminated, tie-breaker reverts to the first step of the applicable two-club format)
— — —1. Apply division tie-breaker to eliminate all but the highest ranked club in each division prior to proceeding to step 2. The original seeding within a division upon application of the division tie-breaker remains the same for all subsequent applications of the procedure that are necessary to identify the two Wild Card participants
— — —2. Head-to-head
— — —3. Strength of victory
— — —4. Total points scored
— — —5. Pick a number 1-10 (must be guessed exactly, club with lowest draft pick from previous draft selects the first integer, each trial rotates to the next lowest draft pick)
—c. Other tie-breaking procedures
— —i. Only one club advances to the playoffs in any tie-breaking step. Remaining tied clubs revert to the first step of the applicable division or Wild-Card tie-breaker. As an example, if two clubs remain tied in any tie-breaker step after all other clubs have been eliminated, the procedure reverts to step 1 of the applicable two-club format to determine the winner. When one club wins the tie-breaker, all other clubs revert to step 1 of the applicable two-club or three-club format
— —ii. When comparing records against common opponents among tied teams, the best won-lost-tied percentage is the deciding factor, since teams may have played an unequal number of games
Section IV: League Commissioner Responsibilities
A. The league commissioner is responsible for collecting the $150 entry fee at the selection meeting
B. Failure to make payments on time may result in disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, judicial review by league commissioner and vice commissioner. These two shall have the executive power to call a "Lil John Wayne" vote of dismissal. Seven votes are required for dismissal.
C. Shall Yahoo fail to calculate a player's points under the league-specific scoring system, the commissioner will find or receive evidence of a scoring error and, upon verifying that the evidence is just, the commissioner and vice commissioner will confer to process the scoring changes online
D. The league commissioner shall not be responsible but can identify scoring errors (as can any owner), and change point totals appropriately; any scoring errors identified after the clearance of waivers will not be changed
E. The league commissioner shall serve as the official historian of statistical annals
F. The league commissioner shall monitor the activity of other owners, not specifically, but merely the presence of activity for the entirety of the period of which a declared inactive or bye week player has not been removed from the starting lineup; warnings will be issued following an inactive start and will result in the following disciplinary measures:
—a. Following the first inactive start of the season by an owner, he shall be fined $5
—b. Following the second inactive start of the season by an owner, he shall be fined $10
—c. Following the third inactive start of the season by an owner, he shall be fined $15, and that team will be disqualified from playoff contention.
G. The league commissioner will monitor waiver and free agent acquisitions. If bench players are dropped after their game has started, or if bye week players are dropped after 12:00 pm CST, the transaction shall be undone (Jake-the-Snake rule). If transaction results in the club dropping below the roster requirements, the transaction shall be undone. Clubs will not be refunded on the transaction fee for an invalid transaction.
H. The league commissioner will investigate suspicious trades that occur simultaneous with waivers; any discussion about using waiver priority to trade a player prior to waivers being cleared is considered collusion and will be undone.
Section V: Financials
A. Entry fee for the league is $150
B. The lowest scorer of each week of the regular season will pay $5 into the 3rd place fund totaling $70 to be paid out to the 3rd place winner.
C. Expenses will be deducted from the league pot, and those expenses will include:
—a. Engraving of the trophy
—b. Last place trophy
—c. Best coach trophy
—d. Any trophy shipping expenses
—e. Website and domain fees
D. After the previously identified expenses have been deducted from the gross income, the net total will be dispenses as follows
—a. 85% awarded to league champion
—b. 15% awarded to runner-up
Section VI: The Draft
A. Draft Lottery
—a. The order of selections for all clubs shall be determined by a draft lottery.
—b. There shall be a linear decrease in odds starting with the 10th place team from the previous year and decline through the standings.
—c. The following percentages are each club's chances at being drawn in the lottery:
——10th: 23.4% 15/64
——9th: 18.7% 12/64
——8th: 14.1% 9/64
——7th: 10.9% 7/64
——6th: 9.3% 6/64
——5th: 7.8% 5/64
——4th: 6.2% 4/64
——3rd: 4.7% 3/64
——2nd: 3.1% 2/64
——1st: 1.5% 1/64
—d. Picks will be drawn in order from 1 to 10.